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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


April 3, 2018


Tuesday. Lights out before ten to awaken then a couple of times during the night (for very short periods), awakening for good at six-fifteen feeling reasonably well, as we usually feel reasonably well before a day gets underway again. A decent walk to breakfast, not too cold, but some watering of the eyes and a wanting to be runny nose. Going to be a good, if cooler they're saying, day.

The French toast with sliced bananas and strawberries, fruit cup and coffee for breakfast, going through the papers in some detail trying to find stories I hadn't read or listened to on one of yesterday's news and web sites. Not a bad morning over the papers.

The walk back futzing with the pandorea flower exposure before taking the usual sidewalk and flower pictures by the Lakeside school. One more for the hell of it and then catching yesterday's runner in the distance as I climbed my hill.

Nothing on the schedule today, a haircut tomorrow. Nothing on television and so we'll see (as we always say we'll see) if we can get our ass out the door for more than a short walk and one or two pictures.

Later. OK, noon. After a bath. None of yesterday's slowing down, although we'll let the body temperature come into balance after the bath and the eyes get over any lingering soap and such before we're sure.

An hour later lying on the bed as close to sleep as you can get for over an hour and still vaguely hear the news filter through on the volume turned down low radio. Not sure what happened, just zonked out, but up at three to listen to the News Hour on television and have something to eat. So much for a clear headed day, although I suspect we've come around now and we'll do fine until it's time for bed.

Evening. Finished watching a three part series on the tablet even I am not willing to admit to watching. Why did I continue it through to the end? Thinking it would get better? Coherent? Ah, well, coherent. What do we know about coherent anymore? Lights out after nine.

Sunday at the Saint Stupid's Day Parade taken with a Nikon D500 mounted with a 24-120mm f 4.0 VR Nikkor lens.