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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


April 4, 2018


Wednesday. Warm inside again last night, lights out not long after nine, to awaken finally at six-twenty after a couple of false starts that began at five-thirty. “False starts” in that I awoke, but then closed my eyes for a “couple of seconds” and half an hour had gone by. My, my.

Up and out the door easily enough to walk to breakfast. Overcast, but not particularly cold, but still with some watering of the eyes. Seems to be built into these walks until it gets warmer at seven in the mornings. I suspect it will get there soon enough.

The plain waffle with sliced bananas and strawberries, fruit cup and coffee for breakfast, finishing the papers a little sooner than recently, and so off back home, the sky still overcast, to take the usual set of pictures, adding the clothing shop window for whatever reason this time. Another flower and that was the morning's photographic excitement. Can't complain. It keeps my interest, at least in the mornings, and that's not to be discounted in the ways of the world.

A haircut appointment at eleven and so we need to think about getting ready to head out.

Later. OK, a good start, none of the late morning, early afternoon, tired as hell crap. A bus to the Broadway ATM and then a walk to the City Center to get the haircut, the return bus not due when I was done and so hopped on the 51a bus on Broadway to Grand, the return 12 bus due to arrive at the Grand and Webster stop in eight minutes.

Decided the hell with it as I was feeling pretty good, and so went by the apartment house construction site to take pictures, figuring I'd skip the bus and walk back to the apartment. And so the same old photographs from the old same angles, taking the time to walk around the corner and take a picture of the other side of the project fronting Webster.

Finished five minutes after the bus had been due, the bus that's been arriving four and five minutes early at this stop these last few days, but in crossing Grand, setting out for home by the stop, suddenly there was the bus coming around the corner running late.

Straight home on the bus to get my act together and finish processing the Saint Stupid's Day pictures. Hadn't been in any shape to work on them yesterday, we'll go with the head of steam that seems to have developed and lasted well into the afternoon and finish them today. Hey.

Evening. Worked on the web sections until after seven, posting them finally by eight, the pictures not horrible, not great.

Watched the beginning of Midsomer Murders, but bailed. This ongoing clash of classes routine that seems to permeate much of British television drama and humor, the British television that comes here on PBS anyway, gives me the creeps.

Sunday at the Saint Stupid's Day Parade taken with a Nikon D500 mounted with a 24-120mm f 4.0 VR Nikkor lens.