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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


April 5, 2018

Thursday. Lights out early enough, although it took some time to get to sleep. Awoke at five-thirty similarly (why so little sleep after a fairly active day?) to do the usual close my eyes for a minute to awaken then and find a half hour had passed. What the hell, up at six-thirty to head out walking to breakfast, seeing it didn't look like rain. Well, pretty much like no rain until later, the Pineapple Express they've been forecasting not due until later tonight.

No watering eyes on the walk. That warm? Nice.

Had the plain waffle with sliced bananas and strawberries, fruit cup and coffee for breakfast again, the scale this morning telling me to watch out. OK. Good. Walked back taking the usual pictures, the one remaining pandorea flower gone to where the petals go, the buds in waiting holding out for the sun. So pictures.

Got home, posted yesterday's entry and then lied down and took an hour and a half nap until noon. Overcast, they're saying rain starting tonight, so maybe we'll get out the door later, but probably not.

Are we in a funk?

No, just babbling, stating the obvious.

Later. An slow afternoon with more naps, no rain and not much else to quibble about. No complaints, really, just, you know, an afternoon that's gone along with nothing more than a nap or two for a ripple.


Sunday at the Saint Stupid's Day Parade taken with a Nikon D500 mounted with a 24-120mm f 4.0 VR Nikkor lens.