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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


April 1, 2022


Friday. A good start: up to have the usual breakfast at seven and then setting out to move the various tables and such around in the bedroom, making quite a bit of progress toward making it (more) livable. The computer area is coming together, the printer in place, the stereo speakers finally stacked as they should be, the bed end tables in their proper place. More space in the room to move about.

And that's been the day. Not feeling as tired as I have, the blood pressure behaving. I need to find another primary physician to get all the health crap sorted, register the car with the Oregon DMV, obtain a driver's license and register to voe. You don't think about these things when you move (I didn't anyway) and how much time it will take to get them done.

And taxes.

Ah, yes. April. Taxes.

The 2012 San Francisco Saint Stupid's Day Parade taken with a Nikon D3s mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 Nikkor VR II lens.