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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


March 31, 2022


Thursday. To sleep last night not long after ten to awaken at six-thirty after not a bad night's rest, up to have breakfast downstairs again (Cheerios, orange juice, coffee and a banana), boot the computer (now located on a table near my bed in the bedroom) and deciding to take a walk up the way to check on the mail just to get outside and break the morning habit. Or maybe create new habits now that I'm living up here in Oregon.

Cold outside, down into the low forties, and so back inside after snapping a couple of pictures on the mail run to settle down at the computer and futz with yesterday's entry, dourly noting the clunky foggy headed writing before posting, and wondering what to do this day to make progress in wresting with getting everything out of boxes after this move.

Later. Clam sauce and pasta for lunch. Haven't had that in a while, a case and a half of clam sauce safely tucked away in the kitchen. The weight has been holding below the one fifty-five target, but barely and I haven't been sure if I've been behaving. What to eat in the new location and circumstances? We'll work it out.

Tired through the afternoon and so more time lying on the bed and listening to the news on the radio. They have Oregon Public Broadcasting here, but that's about it for radio stations I'm willing to listen to. More red than blue this Oregon air, I'm afraid.

The photograph up top was taken this morning in Lake Oswego with a Nikon 1 V3 mounted with a 10-30mm f3.5-5.6VR 1Nikkor lens.