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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


August 27, 2016

I'd Think

Saturday. Another similar, but good night's rest I'd say, awake at six-twenty and up in a decent enough mood to get ready and set out for breakfast, the sky overcast, a weekend ahead.

Had the plain waffle with sliced fruit entrée for breakfast again, no need to gamble with the Oakland Chinatown StreetFest later this afternoon. Are these ocular things brought on by their other breakfast entrées? Again, I don't know, but I can survive if eating plain waffles with bananas and strawberries is a solution.

You think it might?

I'm not sure I think at all anymore, but we'll give it a try, go with the flow, babble on toward Byzantium. Bethlehem. Brooklyn.

Well, either your mood is good or your wits have severely withered.

Later. Probably best I thought the StreetFest started at noon as I figured I had plenty of time before it started this morning and so headed over to the lake when I heard drums, loud drums, that started about the time I read a Twitter message urging people to come to the white column pergola for a demonstration in support of a rent control initiative in the coming election. I'm a sucker for a demonstration, more so when they're held by the lake right next door.

OK, to the lake to find a small group of people at tables passing out literature, a group of Capoeira dancers practicing and a number of people just out taking the air on a Saturday morning. Took too few pictures - just click! click! no real thought invested - and then back to the apartment as it was approaching noon.

A bus to Chinatown, an hour or so of walking the festival area looking for photographs and having little luck in finding them. Unfortunately not unusual, it's difficult to find them in street festivals, why I prefer parades and other events where people tend to be in costume. A band was playing on one of the stages and so a couple of pictures, but you can only shoot so many performers and so, overall, I'll need to go back tomorrow and buckle down. Stretch it out, spend the time, take the photographs.

I had the same “do I really want to go to this thing” argument before going. I came close to just taking one camera instead of the two. Lighter, easier to manage, less obvious to potential subjects and thieves. And lighter. I believe I mentioned lighter.

Anyway, a walk to the City Center for a Jamba Juice afterward before walking then to Grand and catching the bus home. Thought of getting off to get something to eat, but wasn't hungry.

Evening. Well, the pictures were in focus. I can say that. Most of them. Can't say much good about them otherwise, except, if I'm going to put together another section for the web sites, I'd better take a whole bunch of better ones tomorrow. How many times have I said this? I know, too many. But so what? The mood is good and there haven't been any ocular incidents so far today. Another plain waffle tomorrow, I'd think.

The photo up top was taken last Saturday at the Oakland Art & Soul Festival with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.