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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


August 13, 2018


Monday. Lights out early to awaken then early at five-thirty to listen to the last half of Rising Up With Sonali and then the five minute KPFA news broadcast before getting up and getting ready to walk to breakfast while listening to Democracy Now!. Can't say I remember what they were talking about, as I was getting up, but they sounded interesting and instructive at the time.

Overcast and cool without being too cold walking to breakfast, setting out at six forty-five and arriving at five minutes to seven, the restaurant still dark, but open, and so I entered and went through my routine of turning on the dining area lights before settling in with the papers. Ordered the two strips of bacon, scrambled eggs, country potatoes and toast at seven-thirty to go with the coffee, the Monday papers slim, but somehow keeping me reading until close to nine.

OK, overcast, the usual pictures on the walk home, the head a bit foggy, but not in too bad shape. They were saying cooler through this week, which will be good for the firefighters and for us all. Need to go my an ATM today and so we'll get out the door again later.

Later. OK, off to the bus stop and the ATM on Broadway at noon, arriving with just enough time left before the return bus arrived to take pictures at the 2330 Webster Street and the 2302 Valdez Street apartment house construction sites. So that's what I did, finishing up with two minutes to spare. Straight home to arrive by one, the rest of the afternoon and the day now clear.

Evening. I did watch a Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries episode at seven. Why, I'm not sure. To bed then to spend more time with the tablet, again watching something I knew I'd never want to admit to watching, but the painful aspects in close balance with the parts I found interesting. Well, ‘interesting’. Parts that made me wonder where the thing was going balancing out the parts that were meant to be humorous and left me wincing.

You're scraping the bottom of the barrel here, better to just stop.

The San Francisco Anime & Cosplay Festival taken with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.