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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


August 14, 2018


Tuesday. Turned the lights out before ten to awaken at five-thirty again. I say awaken, which I did, but the mind was on stun until about twenty after six when I got up to get the electric shaver and prepare to set out for breakfast. On a dark, overcast, but not overly cold morning.

Arrived just before seven, the restaurant open, and so settled in with the papers, ordering the chicken-apple sausage, scrambled eggs, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee at seven-thirty when the kitchen opens.

Finished well before nine and so the walk back to the apartment taking the usual pictures, Lime scooters still sitting out by the Grand Lake theater, two of the flowers still blooming below the Lakeshore school and, of course, more Lime scooters by the lake.

Still quite dark and overcast and so did a quick run though edit and then posted yesterday's entry before lying down to watch last night's Elementary episode on the tablet (they ran two in a row this week, on Sunday and Monday nights at ten, well past my bedtime) before attempting a nap. Not overly tired, but any nap you can take, you should take.

Later. Hungry, didn't want to eat anything I had on hand, so caught a bus to the City Center to have a bagel with cream cheese and coffee at the bagel shop, promising myself I'd get a box of Good & Plenty when I finished, which I did. Then walked to the apartment house/retail construction site at 17th and Broadway to take pictures of their progress. And they've made progress. Still somewhat paranoid taking the camera out of the backpack, but there were plenty of people about and I wanted pictures.

A walk farther on up Broadway to meet a bus at 20th, going straight home, arriving fifteen minutes before three with the sun starting to break through the overcast. A good lunch, a good day. Not much walking, but some, and when's the last time I've been to the City Center?

Why would you or anyone care?

Managed to visit an old haunt and moved my butt outside the apartment.

Evening. The brain turned itself off and guided me to bed and the tablet. Don't need a brain when you're watching whatever on the tablet.

The Oakland Art & Soul Festival taken with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.