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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


August 4, 2019


Sunday. Lights out well before ten to awaken at eight minutes after six, which is good. A decent night's rest (one hopes). A drive to breakfast to find the restaurant dark, but the dining area door open and so entered to turn on the lights and settle in with the Sunday papers, the morning overcast, the temperature just fine.

The single pork chop, eggs over medium, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee for breakfast, finishing up by nine, the Sunday papers taking about a half hour longer to read than they do during the week and on Saturdays. A sidewalk picture and then a drive straight home avoiding going by the supermarket again, taking the usual selfie in the lobby mirror. So far, so good.

Later. Watched the PGA tournament on television until after three this afternoon before heading over to the lake to see what the drummers were up to and take a couple of pictures. Which I did. A circle of drummers, took the pictures and then right back to the apartment, the adventure for the day now done.

Evening. Watched an episode of the Swedish series Beck – The Hospital Murders, one I realized I'd seen before, but not enough to skip, started the Danish Those Who Kill – Episode 11, but bailed after maybe twenty minutes and went to bed. An odd day, but a decent day, since I've usually run out of gas for writing by early afternoon and as such they all seem a little odd anymore.

The photo up top was downloaded from the NSIDC web site showing a maximum spike in Greenland ice sheet melting last Thursday.