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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


August 23, 2019


Friday. Awoke at ten minutes to six. Good. Up to head out the door to breakfast at six-forty, leaving both the bedroom windows and balcony sliding glass door open to catch the last of the cooler outdoor air while I was away. They're saying eighty degrees again today.

Had the two strips of bacon, scrambled eggs, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee for breakfast, finishing up somewhat later than usual around nine and heading home under a bright sun. Hadn't really noted how many bikes had been sitting in the Ford Go-Bike rack when I'd passed it earlier, but took a picture if only because it was empty but for one. The usual flower below the Lakeview school to then cross Grand and take a picture of the theater marquee. Not many marquees around like this one at the Grand.

On to the construction site near the base of my hill to get a better shot of the underground pipes they've been installing. They'd blocked off two parking spaces next to the site again and so they're probably coming to work on it later today.

A little obsessive, these pictures, are they not?

Come on. We've gone over this before. It keeps me amused (and taking photographs).

Home to take a selfie with the new haircut. Same goofy smile, but that takes something more than a barber to change. Discovered two or three lapses/mistakes in yesterday's entry before posting, so the memory glitches continue. Nothing too important, just mentioning.

Almost headed out the door to catch a bus downtown to get a flu shot at Walgreens, but decided to put it off until later this afternoon or tomorrow when I'm planning to go downtown to photograph the Chinatown StreetFest.

Later. Antsy and so down to the bus stop of catch a bus to the Walgreens pharmacy to get the flu shot only to learn they wouldn't be available until next month. Oh. A walk back home wondering if I'd heard the phone message wrong and so checked when I got back. No, it said they were available now. I'd have been pissed if I hadn't gotten in a good long walk and happily eaten an ice cream bar on the way home.

The temperature hasn't been all that high. Walked in a t-shirt and jeans, didn't bring a camera in the backpack, so it was warm, but in the low seventies rather than the eighties. So back to the news on television and one or two things on the tablet and that's' been the afternoon.

Evening. Nothing on television and so to bed by eight to try watching a new series on the tablet before turning out the lights at nine and listen to the BBC News until nine-thirty. No fan this night at the foot of the bed.

The photo up top was taken at the 2017 Oakland Chinatown Street Fest with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.