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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


August 6, 2020


Thursday. Another to sleep not long after ten to awaken again briefly at five to straighten out the back, dozing off and then awakening for good at six-fifteen in the middle of Democracy Now! and its interview with a Hiroshima survivor who described what she'd been through, the complete loss of her family in the horror of the explosion and its aftermath. Not the way to begin your day in the best of moods. One morning you're a child living what seems a calm and predictable life, even during a war, and then in an instant you're an orphan with shattered glass embedded in your legs in a world that's now come to an end.

Ah, well. Enough of that. Up to walk to breakfast under overcast skies, not quite as cool as it has been in these last few mornings, to take a picture of the empty parking spaces along Grand opposite the Grand Lake theater and then moving on to find a homeless man asleep in a planter. Don't like the damage he may or may not end up doing to the planter, but the thought of being homeless on the street makes me give the guy, whomever he may be, a hell of a lot more than a little latitude. My current problem in life is to get to a restaurant and order a very nice breakfast without catching COVID-19. Images of Hiroshima, pandemic homelessness and COVID-19 is not the way to start a day.

Anyway, arrived and ordered the two strips of bacon, scrambled eggs, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee, the weight a little better on the scale this morning, finishing up just after nine to go through the usual taking pictures of flowers as I found them routine, the sun out, the temperature fine, the attitude good, the homeless guy still asleep in the planter (we'll skip photographing one of its flowers this morning). Onward below the Lakeview school and home to take a fuzzy not very well exposed selfie in the lobby before settling down in front of the computer and starting here. It's noon now as I'm writing. Homeless and Hiroshima or not: still not a bad way to finish a morning.

Later. Lied down for maybe an hour listening to various things on the radio, zoning in and out, although not all that tired. Listened to the television news that started at two in the living room as I've done religiously now for, well, years. (OK, not always religiously or particularly carefully, but that's probably a given.) Followed by watching something ever sillier on the tablet.

Evening. Checked out the Vera episode on PBS at eight, realized I'd see it before, didn't remember much about it and didn't really want to know for a second or third time around and so went to bed early. Again. Not much otherwise to say about the day.

The photo up top was taken at the 2016 San Francisco Anime & Cosplay Festival with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.
