Ah well, a lesson relearned. How to avoid food poisoning.
Or, more accurately, how to get it.
April 5, 1998

Red Ink's Big Brother.

Friday, April 3rd, in addition to being payday, was the day our group had a going away party for one of our more likeable cohorts, who was moving on to gainfull employment elsewhere. We had a potluck lunch and the Sole Proprietor, for whatever reason, had to arrive late, bringing with him some pork buns bought at a local Chinese Deli. He thinks it was the pork buns, but he'll know better Monday. Only one other person had the pork buns and we'll see if he had a similar experience. There was one other possibility, but that means a lot more people will have Monday stories to tell. At least the Sole Proprietor shot himself in the foot with his own bun.

<i>Party favors.</i>

And? Food poisoning. Lunch at 12:30, symptoms by 8:00PM that evening. The bathroom looks like something from a very bad nightmare. Recovery will be complete when he realizes its time to clean it up. So. Been a long time. Ten years since the last episode? Not long enough.

Ah, this is being written later. No more symptoms of food poisoning. Skipped work on Monday when he realized that food poisoning at his age is now a three day trip.

Played with the manequin in Photoshop. Maybe shouldn't have adjusted contrast and brightness so heavily. Next time shoot with a flash fill in the sun light. This, however, is the sort of photograph you think of when you have food poisoning.