Thoughts about this site. No particular plan,
just some thoughts, as they occur.
March 6, 1998

OK, the scanner has arrived along with a "Mini Trekker" backpack designed to carry photo equipment. The Sole Proprietor hasn't had that much time to play with the scanner, but maybe this weekend. Make a project of putting at least one picture on the site. The photograph was shot by The Sole Proprietor's father. An architect. Would have been a good photographer. Was a better architect.

The Sole Proprietor, circa 1949. The Sole Proprietor has taken many photographs. Most of them quite awful. No rain last weekend. Packed photo gear into the Mini Trekker backpack and went to the San Francisco Zoo. Crowded, animals mostly hiding out. They say a 200mm lens is the minimum for shooting at the zoo, but after seeing these, a 300mm would have been better.

Wildlife photographers talk about a 300mm telephoto lens as a minimum entry point into their game, but what they really mean is that you need 400mm or 600mm or more to put the face of a Grizzly bear on film and even then you're too close. Way too close. Giraffe photos were ruined by lack of lens hood. Lens flare. Also a problem with zoom lenses and not so much as fixed focal length lenses. Knew it at the time. Lens hood arrived today. Better luck next time.

Used the Sole Proprietor's photo under March 8th, along with a couple of others. Maybe change this one. Also dicker around with the size and brightness. Just beginning here.