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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


December 24, 2020


Thursday To sleep at a decent hour. I think. I figure if I can't remember the next morning when it comes time to write this it must have gone well. Awoke at just after six to listen to Democracy Now!, get up and set out walking to breakfast on an overcast and cold morning, passing by three groups of scooters this time, two to a group, as well as a mural farther on down that had been painted since I last walked to breakfast, arriving at the usual time to turn on the lights in the dining area and settle in with the papers.

The oatmeal, toast and coffee. Haven't had their oatmeal in some time, had forgotten how good it was. Finished up at nine and walked back home under still overcast skies, taking the usual series of pictures when I was overtaken by an bearded old man (as old as I) who'd been shouting out his displeasure with the world when we reached the 580 Overpass traffic light. Not an unusual occurrence. He passed right along ahead of me when the light changed, still shouting, and I went on to complete my journey, take the selfie in the lobby and settle in here at the computer.

Later. The air quality in the Unhealthy For Some range, not something I knew was evidently common before the fires. They say local wood burning and the like is the culprit, which means this has always been a problem for the lungs. Best I stopped smoking forty-five years ago.

Didn't do squat today. What's the definition of squat? The news, Facebook, more news and some time on the tablet: squat.

Evening. Watched an episode of Vera I'd seen before but, of course, didn't quite remember who'd done the deed(s). I had a hunch that turned out to be correct, but again, no idea of the trail that led to why. Or whatever. Anyway to bed at nine-thirty, lights out at ten, my lights out after eleven.

The photo up top was taken at the 2016 San Francisco Anime & Cosplay Festival with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.