Tuesday To sleep again not long after ten to awaken at five, blink, and then awaken at six-fifteen. Seems I've done exactly this in the past. OK, a walk to breakfast under clear cold skies dressed for the weather, arriving at the usual time to enter the dining area, turn on the lights and settle in at the rear table with the papers. Still cold, but not uncomfortable.
The two strips of bacon, scrambled eggs, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee, the weight just over one fifty-one on the scale this morning, finishing up around nine to set out for home, the sun up, the various flowers I've been photographing within shooting distance and so took their pictures. Passed by the bus stop shelter across from the Grand Lake theater and photographed the broken glass. Realized I didn't remember if it had been broken when I was walking in.
OK, enough blathering to get all the links in, on along Grand to take the selfie in the lobby and settle in at the computer. Felt a little tired, but it passed quite quickly and so posted yesterday's entry and processed the morning pictures, putting off writing this until mid afternoon.
But not because you were tired?
No. Just empty-headed.
Later. The new blood pressure med arrived today and so we'll see if taking it makes any difference. Talked with the cardiologist's office and so we'll know soon enough if the fact I've been using a date expired med has been part of the problem.
Evening. Fiddled with watching a couple of things on television, gave up, went to bed around nine, turned the lights out after the six minute NPR ten o'clock news.