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Same old store window near the Grand Lake theater

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February 7, 2008

Interesting Experience
Thursday. Awake at eight, a nice long bath, somewhat dizzy but the blood pressure up to snuff. It's nine-thirty, time to set forth for breakfast. We'll see how the head and the walking affect my balance. Man, it's only Thursday and already excitement!

So, not better, no worse. A walk to the café, the sun warm, the head feeling OK but still off kilter, the usual low level ache in the sinus-head-teeth, which by themselves (sinus-head-teeth) are no big deal. The wobbly part, though, makes me think. Some congestion in the lungs, as there's always been congestion in the lungs since this winter season has started, but everyone else I know seems to have the same problem. A little more tired than I should, after the short maybe a mile each way walk, so I will call the doctor and see what's what. Well, actually, no I won't. Otherwise, sitting here just after eleven, the sun making its shape shifting white square on the rug beside my desk, what's happening now that I'm back (sorta) in Oakland?

My newspaper this morning informs me you don't do any “housework” (cleaning and the like) today, this beginning day of the Chinese New Year (or else you might sweep your good fortune out the door - yikes! None of you have done that, right?) and it's a good idea to wear red (I forget exactly why and exactly when, except red is a big time Chinese lucky color, best to do as they suggest). No housework for at least a week. How frustrating since I'm such a clean freak.

Any photographs?

One or two, nothing to write about. The Solano Stroll people are having a Chinese New Year parade on Sunday, I believe, so I'm thinking of driving over and photographing it if the head doesn't suggest otherwise. I haven't been to Kenny's's new sushi restaurant in much too long, it would be an excuse to have a late lunch. I'll probably bail. Depressing to admit it.

But if not this or that parade, what to shoot? I haven't been over to San Francisco for some time to wander around and take photographs. I did that relatively often in the past. Take BART to the Embarcadero and then one of the trolleys to Fisherman's Wharf. The last time I saw Fisherman's Wharf was perhaps two years ago when I and a contingent of the usual crew passed along its periphery heading for a restaurant out in the avenues in a cab. Boy had it changed from the way I remembered it (in the - cough! cough! - good old days). You would think an opportunity for photographs would attract, particularly with all those people milling about, many of them with cameras which tends to reduce their aversion to having their photographs taken by (old, wouldn't hurt a fly, packing ridiculously large Nikons) strangers.

ArtAndLife. I've gone ahead and moved artandlife to a new hosting service to see how it goes so there's probably going to be a funky period when it's unavailable. They say twenty-four hours. The journal will remain with the current service until I can see how artandlife fares in the new environment. The difference in cost is ridiculous and I suspect the service, after dealing with their tech support when I lost my email account information in Portland, will be better. How could it not. I learn, but slowly. And if this move proves foolish, well, I'll learn more than I bargained. I think they call this a “win - win” situation, whomever “they” may be. I'm not sure which makes me gag more: “win-win” or “harvesting the low lying fruit”.

ArtAndLife later. It seems to be pointing to the new hosting service, the files moved, I'll check them in detail tomorrow. Interesting experience.

The photograph was taken through the same old store window near the Grand Lake theater with a Nikon D2Xs mounted with a 17 - 55mm f 2.8 Nikkor lens at 1/250th second, f 2.8, ISO 100.