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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


February 1, 2019


Friday. Awoke at ten minutes to six after what you'd think was a good long night's sleep, although getting up was sluggish, to say the least, checking the weather to find the sky clear. OK. Slow it is, a somewhat less sprightly walk to breakfast, the clouds an interesting pink half an hour before sunrise. The restaurant was open, the group that meets every Friday morning having arrived at their usual table at the back of the restaurant.

The Eggs Benedict, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee for breakfast, finishing up at a quarter to nine, still feeling tired, still a little slower than I'd have liked walking home. Hmm.

Yesterday's entry was a mess in the sense it was only about three-quarters done and so slapped what I could together and posted. Yes, yes, we go through the usual routine of what am I doing, doing this in such a crappy manner, and I repeat the answer: I don't know, but it seems to keep us amused. Or stuck in our rut. More likely both.

We're due for rain, lots of rain, starting later this afternoon. High winds and rain through next Tuesday and so we'll be spending the time inside.

Unless you go out in the next few hours.

Well, if we do, it will be after a nap, although the, um, “slow morning” seems to be getting a little faster. Go figure.

Later. Interesting. Whatever tiredness of the morning seems to have pretty much evaporated by noon and so naturally I settled back on the bed and watched some horrible thing I've been following on the tablet. Still no rain now that it's approaching three, but the weather people are all shouting this storm is going to be a big one with up to fifty miles an hour winds here and there in the area.

Evening. Watched a subtitled German detective program at six, bailed after ten minutes on a second different one that started at seven and retired to the bedroom and a BBC detective series on the tablet, one I've been wading through now for a while that teeters on the edge of being totally unbelievable, but not often enough to make me stop. Lights out after nine.

The photograph was taken in January 2018 at the Oakland Women's March with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 Nikkor VR II lens.