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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


January 31, 2019


Thursday. Lights out after ten. My bad. Awoke at five minutes to six, which is good, but probably got less sleep last night than I'd have liked. Up to check the weather. Wet sidewalks and streets, overcast, but no rain and so a walk to breakfast on an overcast, but not particularly cold morning to arrive to find the restaurant open and one or two people happily being served coffee and such inside.

The two strips of bacon, eggs over medium, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee for breakfast, taking my time with the papers, but finishing by eight-thirty, the sky still dark, but people on the sidewalks with rain on the way, but not right now.

Passed by a bicycle that had obviously been locked to a stand on the sidewalk overnight. You don't see many of these anymore, people who leave them overnight, as they're too often vandalized at least in this area. Too many people learning the hard way, yes, but indeed learning. Who knows what this one's about.

The usual pictures under the 580 overpass, the flowers below the school taking a hit from last night's rain (and so no pictures). Another selfie in the apartment house lobby on the way upstairs to finish (wrestle with to no avail) and post yesterday's entry. Tired when I arrived, no energy to do better. Perhaps my epitaph: “He'd have done better, but he was tired.”

They're saying rain today, on and off, but a much larger storm tomorrow evening and so we're stuck here inside, not that we'd be going out otherwise.

We've been noticing.

Later. Television, tablet and a decent nap and that's the way the afternoon has gone. Stopped doing any writing here by mid-afternoon.

Evening. Stayed up to watch a “new episode” of Vera at eight to discover the “new episode” was one I'd seen before and so went to bed. I remembered the beginning, but nothing beyond, although if I'd hung around I would have remembered more as it unfolded.

Finished up watching two series on the tablet and then just gave up not long after nine, turned the lights out and closed my eyes. The glucose meter is due to arrive tomorrow, we'll be able to find out if it will be able to shine any light on this tired all the time business. Otherwise, we'll say goodnight.

The photograph was taken at the Women’s March by the Oakland City Hall with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 Nikkor VR II lens.