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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


February 13, 2019


Wednesday. Awoke at five forty-five again in time to listen to the KPFA five minute news before Democracy Now! came on at six, the sound of a hard rain and wind coming in through the bedroom windows. OK, a leisurely get up and get ready to drive to breakfast in the hard rain, the restaurant open as I parked and walked the short distance to get a parking meter ticket, the coat therefor soaking wet from the rain as I entered the restaurant. They were saying we were getting a Pineapple Express and a Pineapple Express we've gotten.

The two strips of bacon, eggs over medium, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee over the papers, a man who looked to be in his fifties arriving soaking wet and violently shivering from the cold to sit near the door with a large cup of coffee in hand that was too hot at that moment to drink. Homeless? The restaurant owner was taking care of him, but a lesson in what the homeless people I pass every day are experiencing in this rain.

Finished up by eight-thirty to head out to the car, still raining hard, driving home to snap a selfie in the apartment house lobby (what's with the hair?). Hadn't taken a glucose reading at the end of the day yesterday and so took one first thing when I arrived, the reading 104 taken an hour after eating breakfast. Seems OK, similar to the others.

Not raining as hard, as I sit here now at ten, but we're obviously going to be sitting here inside today. Maybe do a little vacuuming?

What brought on a radical idea like that?

A glance at the rug in the bedroom near the closet. Made me wonder if I had any vacuum cleaner bags left and how I might get it together to buy some in all this rain. Amazon? For vacuum cleaner bags?

Later. Rain on and off through the mid-afternoon and then it stopped, another storm due later tonight. Seems to be more heavily concentrated north of here from what the weather people are saying.

Spent the afternoon with the tablet and television, my interest in both has been rapidly fading, I'm afraid. Reminds me why I didn't bother having a television set for so many years back when I was younger. A stereo system yes, but even that's been sitting now for decades comparatively quiet. From books and music to television and the tablet, a trail of one's brain going down the drain (to be melodramatic).

Evening. Watched the beginning of another of the new Midsomer Murders episodes and bailed after five minutes. The new lead character rubs me the wrong way and made me wonder how I would have reacted to the character ten years ago when my attitude was different.

The 2017 San Francisco Chinese New Year Parade taken with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 Nikkor VR II lens.