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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


February 12, 2019


Tuesday. Lights out by ten again, awakening then at five forty-five and take my time getting up and getting ready to walk to breakfast under cloud covered skies, the temperature colder than any sane person might have liked. No rain, that's due later, one of these Pineapple Express invasions due to drop a lot of water and, one hopes, in the mountains, snow.

The plain waffle with sliced bananas and strawberries, fruit cup and coffee for breakfast, the restaurant open when I arrived, finishing up by eight-thirty and walking home, thinking I'd stop by the new barber shop on the way to set up an appointment, but found I was too early by close to half an hour. Onward to take the usual pictures to include a selfie in the apartment house lobby.

Hadn't written more than the morning entry in yesterday's posting and so filled in a short evening section and said the hell with it. We'll do better today.

He said.

He said.

Later. Another glucose measurement at ten coming in at 84 (which I think is alright for three hours after a meal), we'll do another one later. Went to lie down on the bed and listened to a couple of discussions by authors with new books on the ocean (it was unimaginably healthier three hundred years ago and it was already on its last legs when modern measurements began) and on fluctuating WiFi electromagnetic waves (few well structured studies have been conducted, but those that have say we're all going down in the next seven years with the introduction of 5G networks). Depressing if either one of them are even partially correct. Turned off the radio.

Evening. Watched episode six of a subtitled Danish series that seems to run on Tuesday evenings, bailed after it was over and went to bed just after seven. Finished up an episode of a series I've been putting off concluding now for a while on the tablet and turned out the lights not long after nine, the sound of wind and the rain starting to come through the curtained bedroom windows.

The 2017 San Francisco Chinese New Year Parade taken with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 Nikkor VR II lens.