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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


February 16, 2020


Sunday. Nothing on the radio last night and so lights out early, awakening then at five-thirty, too early, but again what seems to have been a decent night's sleep. Up to drive of breakfast under clear skies to arrive at five minutes to seven to find the restaurant dark, but for the light back in the kitchen and so entered through the unlocked dining area door to turn on the lights and start on the papers.

The single pork chop, scrambled eggs, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee for breakfast, finishing up at nine to set out for the car and drive home under a bright sun, taking the selfie in the apartment house lobby and then posting yesterday's entry after a quick edit. OK, it's only just after ten, the sun is shining and it's a holiday tomorrow. Maybe a picture up the way at the construction site, see what it shows in the way of progress.

Later. A walk up to the construction site to take a series of pictures. They've obviously been making progress, but it's hard to say exactly what they're doing. Just looking at the rebar they're putting in place, is all of it due to be encased in cement? I'm obviously in the dark. Still, interesting to watch.

Finished watching the Genesis PGA tournament before heading over to the burger drive-in to pick up a grilled chicken sandwich, discovering they'd given me a deep fried chicken sandwich when I unwrapped it at home. Didn't seem to stop me in wolfing it down.

Evening. The sinus-upper palate aching came back late in the afternoon and so took another double dose of the pain meds. It had been quiet, aching yes, but comparatively quiet since morning and I'd pretty much forgotten about it since yesterday until it acted up. Lied down on the bed for a while to see if it would help and it did a bit.

Listened to an political interview on the radio from nine until nine-thirty before turning the lights out feeling ready to sleep. Seems not a problem, keeping to the schedule and getting to sleep without all that much effort.

The photo up top was taken at the San Francisco 2015 Vietnamese Lunar New Year Tet Festival with a Nikon D4s mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.