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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


January 5, 2021


Wednesday. To sleep soon enough, but awakened for longer than I'd have liked at four, back to sleep to awaken for good then at six-twenty, take the blood pressure to find it exactly right, lower than it's been in the mornings for a while, back to bed to listen to the rest of Democracy Now! before getting up again to set out walking to breakfast under overcast skies, but not as cold as it's been lately. Into the indoor dining area to turn on the lights and settle down at my table with the papers.

The chicken-apple sausage, scrambled eggs, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee, finishing up by nine to walk home wondering if I was going to get a demand to head for the bathroom before I arrived. You get sensitive to these demands when they come in the middle of the street.

Home without a problem to take the selfie in the lobby, take the blood pressure to find it even lower than it was first thing this morning (my, my), go to the bathroom (quite civilized of it in choosing to not demand a last minute dash) and settle in at the computer to finish yesterday's entry, post, process the morning pictures and start here.

The movers were scheduled to call between eleven and twelve, but delayed until twelve-thirty. No problem, took all of twenty minutes to walk around the apartment with the phone to show them what I wanted to move. They said they'd have a quote by the end of the day and scheduling it for any time in February would not be a problem. Much to do now to get ready.

Later. OK, watched the last three episodes of Jo, the season ending episode indicating there was another season coming. Either that or it was a very messy ending with the bad girl getting away with a long list of murders. Listened to the news and waited on the email quote from the movers. They were late with their phone call, maybe they'll be late with their quote.

Evening. Got the quote. Quite a lot, but just under what the landlord is required to cover, so I guess we're on with the move.

The photo was taken of the apartment house construction site across the street in January 2015 with a Nikon D4s mounted with a 24-120mm f/4.0 VR Nikkor lens.