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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


January 6, 2021


Thursday. Took a bit longer to get to sleep last night, but awakened then for good around six-fifteen to get up, make the blood pressure readings (to find it fine) before going back to bed and listen to the rest of Democracy Now! before getting up again to walk to breakfast under grey overcast skies (yes, I know it's spelled gray), the temperature not so bad. Arrived to enter the dark indoor dining area, turn on the lights and settle in with the papers.

The two strips of bacon, scrambled eggs, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee. We'll see if any ocular migraine-like symptoms appear later with the bacon. Finished up at nine and walked back home, the day a little lighter, but still quite overcast, the weather people saying not much chance of rain until tomorrow night.

Arrived home to take the selfie in the lobby and then take the blood pressure again (still looks good) before settling in at the computer to finish and post yesterday's entry, processing the morning pictures and starting here. Things to do today, let's see if we get any of them done.

Later. Spent quite a bit to time going through the camera equipment, throwing out a number of things I'll never have any use for again, gave up finally late in the afternoon and retired to the bed and the tablet. Much to to tomorrow, including the laundry.

Evening. Another Vera on PBS I'd seen before starting at eight, but kept watching for a good thirty minutes. Had a vague idea who'd done the evil deep, but time for bed and the tablet again, watching a Netflix series called Resurrection that seems to go on forever. Not sure why it's kept my interest, but ended up stopping at close to ten, too late to be watching anything on the tablet. Lights out by ten. We'll see if we've done any damage to our sleep schedule soon enough in the morning.

The photo up top was taken at the 2014 San Francisco Carnaval Parade with a Nikon D4s mounted with an 70-200mm f/2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.