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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


January 16, 2021


Sunday. To sleep well before eleven (I seem to recall) to awaken then at five-thirty to listen to the radio before getting up to take the blood pressure and find it just fine. It hadn't been the best early in the evening before going to sleep last night. Back to bed to again listen to the radio before getting up at seven to get ready to drive to breakfast and discover the papers hadn't arrived.

Waited until after seven-thirty (they're supposed to arrive before six-thirty) before driving to breakfast and park in front of the restaurant to enter the indoor dining area, turn on the lights and settle in at my table. I was hoping to find yesterday's papers or at least yesterday's New York Times and read some of the stories I'd skipped, but no cigar.

The Eggs Benedict, country potatoes, fruit cup and coffee, finishing before eight-thirty and so to the car to drive home, take the selfie, find the papers in front of the apartment house front door, take the blood pressure (again, looking good) and settle in at the computer to finish yesterday's entry, post, process the morning pictures and start here at ten in the morning. Running a little early, we are.

Later. Watched the 49'ers game back and forth on television and the tablet, the 49'ers playing well during the first half, the Cowboys almost catching up literally in the last second. I don't follow football anymore, but check out the 49'ers games when I can, which, given the television channels I receive, isn't very often. Still: an odd, weird and good game.

The blood pressure got up into the one-forties over the seventies by five o'clock followed by taking the second dose of the blood pressure med. Not sure where that's going, but that's been the afternoon.

Evening. A new episode of Vera became available on Britbox and so watched it on the tablet first thing this evening, struggling with making out the dialogue through their accents. Their accents, my declining hearing and the sound system on the tablet. Lights out by nine-thirty, the last thing I remember was the clock turning eleven.

The photo up top was taken at the 2014 San Francisco Carnaval Parade with a Nikon D4s mounted with an 70-200mm f/2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.