Sunday. Another decent night's sleep, awakening at just before six to take the blood pressure, find it well under control and so back to bed to listen to the news until seven, get up and set out driving to breakfast, the New York Times showing up for some reason this morning and so parking, entering the restaurants indoor dining area to turn on the lights and settle in at my table this time with all three papers.
The single pork chop, scrambled eggs, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee because I was hungry and the weight well under control on the scale this morning, finishing up just after nine to walk to the car and drive home to take the selfie in the lobby, take the blood pressure (still looking good) and settle down at the computer to finish yesterday's entry, post, process the morning's few pictures and start writing here before eleven.
Later. Listened to a Metropolitan Opera presentation of Girl of the Golden West on PBS starting at noon, the last two minutes of the opera where the two lovers sing of their having to leave California hitting a nerve. I've lived here for the last fifty years, now leaving in just over three weeks is obviously not an altogether happy parting.
Listened to the last half of the 49'ers game on the radio (I don't get it on television), sorry to hear them lose in the last seconds of the game.
Evening. Watched the Season 11 episode of Vera on Britbox that was released earlier this afternoon and spent the time wondering if I'd seen it before. Made in 2021, had it played on PBS? Was it my ever sliding memory again? Not sure if this question is interesting or unsettling.
Lights out by nine-thirty, to sleep soon after.