Monday. To sleep not long after ten to awaken at just after six, none of this awakening an hour early, blink, and then awaken for good this morning. Took the blood pressure (looked all right), listened to the rest of Democracy Now! and got up at seven to drive to the Lakeshore ATM and then over the hill to park by the 7-11 store, enter the restaurant's indoor dining area, turn on the lights and settle in at my table with the two papers.
The plain waffle with sliced bananas and strawberries, fruit cup and coffee, finishing up well before nine to walk to the car, drive straight home, take the selfie in the lobby, take the blood pressure (OK again), sit down at the computer, finish yesterday's entry, post, process the morning's few pictures and start here, finishing by ten.
Later. Some cleaning up around the computer area, but not enough to call it progress. Tomorrow marks the first of next month when I should receive formal notice from the landlord telling me I have to move by the 28th and so we'll mark tomorrow as the day I need to have in place a schedule to be ready when the movers arrive on the 21st. Stuff to do, in other words. We'll do it, ready or not. Hup!S
Took the blood pressure med at one and at five-thirty, the pressure well under control, and spent too much time on the tablet. Tired and the tablet and that pretty much describes the afternoon.
Evening. Watched stuff on the tablet until eleven. What was I thinking? But I did. Now, when did I get to sleep and how much damage will it do to my day tomorrow?