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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


July 1, 2018


Sunday. To sleep soon enough, last night, to awaken then at a quarter to six. Too early and so listened to the radio until about six-fifteen when I got it together to get up and get out the door to drive to breakfast on this overcast morning, the blood pressure coming in at 88/70 and then 95/72 before I set out. Needless to say, skipped taking the blood pressure med again.

Had the chicken-apple sausage, eggs over medium, country potatoes, toast and coffee for breakfast as I waded through the papers, lots of editorial columns and comments to read on the state of our churning democracy. Still, not a bad morning, not a bad drive home by about nine, taking the blood pressure again when I got in, now clocking in at 102/69. We are in the dark, here, maybe some enlightenment when the blood test results are forwarded and I can talk with the doctor. Be nice if it's down for good reason, less nice if it's not.


But those are answers for another day, we've now got a Sunday ahead. Nothing on the schedule, but a golf match on television and maybe some strange impetus will arise to get our ass out the door before dark.

Later. Watched more golf than I was thinking I might. The fellow who won was something like five, six, then eight strokes ahead of the second place finisher at the end, but I must admit Tiger Woods performance kept me in front of the set. Don't know anything about him other than the usual stuff everyone knows, but it's a nice thought he could maybe get some of his Mojo back after he's straightened himself out. I suspect I'm not the only one who uses Tiger as a reason to watch.

The blood pressure has been going up incrementally until it reached 126/80 around five, about ten points higher for both numbers than it usually runs when it's behaving on the meds, and so took the standard dose finally at six. We'll watch it this evening and then through tomorrow morning, see if taking them before bed works better to allow it to kick in while you're asleep. If it's going to drop as low as it just did, though, why wouldn't it ultimately drop again, whether taking it in the morning or evening? But we'll find out. The more I babble the more I understand how little I know about this.

Took a walk to the lake just to get out of the house, a picture at the construction site up the way and then back to the lake. A really large crowd today, probably larger than any I've seen before, the opposite side of the lake packed, more so than on the two or three weekends now since the incident of the woman who hassled a man who was barbecuing in the that particular site, today the crowd also larger on my end of the lake. So some pictures to include a couple a smaller than usual group of drummers in front of the pergola.

Evening. The blood pressure was 133/85 at nine this evening, three hours after taking the blood pressure med, and so we'll see what it looks like in the morning. Otherwise watched more Scott and Bailey on the tablet and turned the lights out before ten after an interesting day if nothing else.

The San Francisco LGBT Pride Parade taken with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.