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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


July 6, 2020


Monday. To sleep after ten to awaken at seven minutes to six, two minutes before the five minute KPFA News and then Democracy Now! started at six, so a decent night's sleep, at least as they're counted these days. No complaints. Set out to walk to breakfast, but discovered the papers hadn't been delivered and so waited for a while out in front of the apartment house and decided finally, more because the routine had been broken, to drive.

Which I did, parked, set myself up in the closed off dining room and settled in for what for me without the papers was a brief plain waffle with sliced bananas and strawberries, fruit cup and coffee breakfast. And left. Just like that. Took a picture on the way to the car and drove home to find the papers sitting on the lobby bench. Picked up the papers, took the selfie and settled in to try to save yesterday's entry, the entire routine out of whack.

Is that such a big deal? The routine out of whack?

Seems to make me forget things. Interesting to see, the mind off somewhere else without the routine to keep track of your usual series of actions and tasks.

Later. A bath during the noon hour (been a while) before reading the papers and then watching the various news programs that start at two and end at four. Not sure there was anything in them I'd not learned before.

Evening. I'll bite my tongue and say the current Father Brown series is somewhat better than the earlier ones I've learned to avoid, but I did watch this one that started at eight. Maybe I'm just embarrassed to admit it. Not horrible, watched it straight through. I'd seen The Bletchley Circle episode that followed and so bailed for bed. No fireworks explosions nearby or in the distance, listened to the NPR six minute news at ten before turning out the lights, to sleep around eleven.

The photo up top was taken at the 2016 San Francisco Carnaval Parade with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.