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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


June 3, 2019


Monday. Awoke a couple of times very briefly, but then for good at ten minutes to six to get up and head out for breakfast on another overcast morning, arriving at the restaurant before seven, but to find it open for business. Good.

The French toast with sliced bananas and strawberries, fruit cup and coffee for breakfast, the weight still a pound under on the scale this morning, the one not affecting the other. I was in the mood for French toast (without butter or syrup).

Finished up at a quarter to nine and set out for home, some roof work of some sort going on across Grand and so a couple of pictures, the mood good. Walks home tend to go just like that, where the walks to breakfast always seem to take longer without a camera in hand. This surprised me as it seemed “menacing”? Worth a picture anyway. A picture by the lake, the stance I wanted to catch him in too fleeting to capture, and then home and the selfie in the lobby. Who is that man?

The laundry this morning. Started it. Had to, after an accident in the bathroom. Not my fault, but it demanded attention.

I take it that's as far as you care to go with that?


Later. Laundry done, folded and hung. Good.

Evening. Tablet, mostly. This day. Nothing on television (the public television stations seem to be in continuous money raising mode) and so to bed, lights out and radio off by nine thirty-eight this time, little or no effort put into writing any of this after noon.

The photo up top was taken one year ago at the 2018 Oakland Sex Workers Protest with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.