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Here In Oakland

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March 12, 2015

In A Fog

Thursday. Awake at six-twenty, twenty minutes before the alarm, up to walk to breakfast on what I thought was a cooler, but more than bearable (in a sweater and winter jacket) morning. Two strips of bacon, scrambled eggs, country potatoes and coffee (with an English muffin and fruit cup, as always) to then walk back to the apartment (snapping a picture as I approached the construction site), crashing instead of finishing, editing and then posting yesterday's entry. Just felt funky and managed a good hour's sleep, the head tangled, not in an ocular migraine, but tangled none the less.

I've been thinking since the doctor proscribed those pills I really haven't had what I would call an ocular migraine, a trip into wherever it is an ocular migraine leads (in my case). This wasn't the same thing so I'm putting off any thoughts on how these new pills are working for another couple of weeks. Give them a proper test. Haven't had any of the ocular things since I started taking them, where I'd been having more than one a week up to the point I started the new pill.

Anyway, a somewhat weird, rather spacey, morning. Up now after one in the afternoon to think of going out to get something to eat, to take the day's construction site pictures, to do whatever one does with not all that much day or energy left to spare. Maybe a tuna fish sandwich down at Coffee With A Beat? They make a good tuna fish sandwich and, right now, that sounds like something I could manage.

Later. So much for tuna fish sandwiches, a walk to the 7-11 look-alike for an ice cream bar and another box of Good & Plenty, probably best that both come in small servings. Back by the apartment house construction site to take another set of pictures, home then to lie down again. A decent walk, the head now pretty clear, no complaints, but the day has started slowly and I'm still wondering why. Those two strips of bacon with breakfast? I wonder.

Evening. OK, it's evening as I write. There's a Foyle's War coming up at eight, but I suspect I've seen it before. Otherwise the time's been spent lying on the bed watching this and that on the tablet, the head still reasonably clear, but lying on the bed clear, I'm not sure if that would still have held if I'd been sitting in front of the computer or out taking pictures.

Interesting, not only have I seen it before, but it's the exact same episode they ran last week, so we're off to bed early. Again, most of the day has been weird, starting after I'd returned from breakfast, easing up only in the mid afternoon. I suspect I should make notes, at least keep a ledger: one day OK, the next day crap. See how much of my time really is spent in a fog.

The photo up top was taken today walking home from breakfast with a Nikon D4s mounted with a 24-120mm f 4.0 VR Nikkor lens.