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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


May 11, 2018


Friday. Listened to the six minute news at ten and considered listening to the interview that followed on California's decision to require solar panels on all new houses starting in 2020, but turned the radio off and went to sleep to then awaken as I've been awakening recently at a quarter to six. OK, take my time before setting out for breakfast, the sky clear, a warm day they're saying ahead.

Had the plain waffle with sliced bananas and strawberries, fruit cup and coffee for breakfast. Need to get serious about holding to one-fifty on the scale in the mornings. Read the papers until eight forty-five and then set out home, the sun bright, the head pretty much clear of fog, the sinus-upper palate behaving. Strange thoughts of doing things around the apartment on the way home and now here as I sit at the computer.

As in?

All this time available now that I'm retired. How about putting aside an hour to do this or that task: cleaning up, rearranging books and gear and the like in an attempt to turn it into a habit. Like this exercise in madness here. Invest the time and make me feel better.

You've said this before to no avail.

In other words it's become a habit.

Later. I did get out the door to check the construction site to be for an apartment house and condominium building up my street, thinking I'd at least then go on over to the lake, but returned to the apartment to pack the camera in the backpack before setting out again, this time to the lake to sit for a while by the white column pergola. Didn't take the camera out of the backpack. Didn't see a picture I wanted to take either, but obviously still upset about the potential for having one stolen.

Temperatures in the seventies, no need for a jacket. I did get involved in a little project clearing up and stacking a group of large photographs that have been scattered here and there. Can't say it was more than a trivial project, but a start, and there are hours left in the day, plenty of time to do something more.

Good luck with that.

Evening. Another cookie cutter evening running much like most of them seem to run anymore. Nothing on television I wanted to watch, although I did look at the Doc Martin briefly and thought about the fact I'd watched it with some interest years ago when it first ran on public television, how my attitude toward cranky characters in movies and television tend to put me off. Drive me up the wall. Not too far up the wall, mind you, but I do find them irritating enough to turn them off.

Anyway, the evening is over early, to bed to check this and that on the tablet (don't remember exactly what it was I watched for a while) and then lights out, the day and I, both of us done.

Sunday's How Weird Street Festival taken with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.