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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


May 5, 2021


Wednesday. To sleep not all that long after ten to awaken at five-fifty, take the blood pressure (127/64) and set out at the usual time to walk to breakfast, arriving to find the indoor dining area dark and so turned on the lights and settled in with the papers. Bright sun, clear skies with the forecast high later of seventy degrees. Well, sixty-nine actually.

The oatmeal, toast, fruit cup and coffee for breakfast (still watching the weight), finishing up around nine again to walk back home and take the usual set of pictures. What can I say? This seems to amuse me enough to keep me snapping away. No complaints.

Home to take the selfie in the lobby and settle in at the computer, stopping in the middle of processing the pictures to lie down for a while feeling tired. Took the blood pressure, 111/58, good, got up, finished the pictures and started scribbling this at noon.

Later. Watched the various news programs, watched a movie on the tablet and that's been the afternoon, this being written tomorrow morning as I completely ran out of gas for doing any writing after I'd finished posting yesterday's entry. But then what's so different in any of this?

Now, now.

Evening. Watched the first fifteen minutes of Midsomer Murders, not sure if one I'd seen before or not, gave up and went to bed. Giving up and going to bed before nine seems to have become a habit. Lights out at ten again.

The photo up top was taken at the 2017 Oakland Climate March at Lake Merritt with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.