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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


May 14, 2021


Friday. To sleep soon enough after ten to awaken at six. OK, a decent night's rest to then dawdle listening to the radio until it was after eight and drive to the lab hoping to find a parking space before the eight forty-five appointment.

Shouldn't have worried as there was a whole line of empty parking spaces across from the Honda repair building and so parked and walked to the lab on Webster, arriving twenty minutes early to find they were able to take me in to have the blood drawn five minutes later. An altogether lucky outing. Let's hope the colonoscopy goes this well next Wednesday.

A drive back home to park the car, pick up a camera and walk to breakfast, all this under overcast skies and cooler air than I'd have liked, arriving around nine at a time when I'm usually leaving. My inside table was available however and so settled in with the papers.

The two strips of bacon, scrambled eggs, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee, the weight still behaving, finishing up at around ten-thirty to walk home under still overcast skies taking the usual mind numbing set of pictures. Happily taking them, you understand, just not sure why I tend to whinge so much about them here.


I once had a British friend who made her mark in many ways that happily became habits.

Home no worse for wear to take the selfie in the lobby and then settle in to finish yesterday's entry, post and then process the morning pictures, starting on writing this at one-thirty.

Later. A nap, a call from the cardiologist's office as I was listening to the news saying this morning's Protime test looked good and so get the next one on the tenth of next month. There were a number of other tests they drew blood for this time and so I suspect they'll post the results later this weekend.

Thought of various ways to get in a walk, but failed. I do need to do more walking, at least another half hour each day, but the mind fogs over and I find reasons to bail. At least I know who's to blame.

Evening. Watched the first hour or so of Inspector Morse at eight, remembering right off that I'd seen it before and hadn't much liked it then and so bailed just after nine to go to bed, not caring who'd done all the terrible deeds.

The photo up top was taken at the 2017 How Weird Street Faire with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.