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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


May 13, 2021


Thursday. To sleep soon enough after ten to awaken at five, blink a bit, and then awaken for good at five minutes to six after what I'm guessing was enough sleep. Up to take the blood pressure as it's been acting up again these last few days to find it behaving and so off to walk to breakfast under overcast skies, the temperature cool without being too cold. Arrived to enter the indoor dining area, turn on the lights and settle in with the papers.

The two strips of bacon, scrambled eggs, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee, the weight behaving on the scale this morning, finishing up again around nine to walk home snapping the usual set of pictures, the overcast light making the exposures easier to judge. For me, anyway.

Home to take the selfie in the lobby, check the charge on the car battery (looks like it will be done by noon), settle in at the computer and start on this, taking a break to start the laundry. Need to get that done.

Later. The laundry was done by two, all but the socks now folded and hung. So good. The car battery finished charging not long thereafter and so the car will reliably start for another couple of months. Also good. Arranged a ride home from the colonoscopy this Wednesday (they don't allow you to call a cab, but give you a list of firms they will allow) as well as a couple of other things that have needed getting done, should have been done earlier if my head was on straight. Why do I put even this important but diddly easy to get done shit off? What's going on inside the head?

Evening. Watched the Vera episode at eight. I'd seen it before, immediately recognizing the beginning, but had no clue as to what happened after the introduction or who'd committed the murders. Weird plot. I may remember this one just for that. Off to bed before ten, the lab appointment tomorrow morning and so no need to set out for breakfast at the usual time, this being one of those not eating after dinner the night before affairs.

The photo up top was taken at the 2017 How Weird Street Faire with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.