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November 8, 2013

Take Care Of That
Friday. I did watch that second episode of the French Braquo, bad cops in a dilemma with good cops who're acting badly and bad guys who are acting even badder. If that makes any sense. Anyway, Elementary is now posted for watching on the CBS site, so we'll catch up on it a later. All of this over a simple little television program? See what you come to after you've retired?

Even with getting to bed late I was up with the alarm, no dawdling, and off to breakfast. A run my the supermarket for necessary items (I was out of everything) thinking of sake, but passing it by. Odd that whenever the energy is up and I'm feeling clear headed I think in terms of a drink or two to cloud the mind. Well, we would say sooth the senses, mellow the day, slip comfortably into an evening. Still. Makes you wonder.

After last night we'll take a nap, I think. And yes, I did check Amazon and pressed the little one-click button to order a TiVo device. No more juggling what to watch and how late. We'll record the bastards and get the sleep. (Hup!)

Later. Not tired enough to sleep so a walk over to the lake with a long lens on the camera to take one or two pictures and see if the cormorants were still en-mass at this end of the lake. The walk couldn't have lasted more than fifteen minutes.

What the hell. Back outside with a normal zoom lens this time to take the bus finally and end up at the City Center to have a cup cake (an almond something or other) and coffee before heading on up Telegraph and Broadway to Grand and then half way home on Grand before getting on a passing bus for the last five blocks.

The day is nice, t-shirt weather by the time I got back, sitting here now in front of the fan having processed the pictures. I like one or two more than some I've taken recently, maybe just the mood. The head is clear, the sinuses ache (don't let a surgeon touch your sinuses kids unless it's to save your life), but otherwise things are quite alright. We'll see how the rest of the day goes.

Yes, I watched Elementary on the computer. Still not sure what I think about the series, although I obviously make it a point to watch. I'm not sure it's a sign of a reasonable interest or a sign of failing faculties, not sure it makes any difference at this point. Such is life.

Since when has anyone suggested you demonstrate any taste?

We all pamper our little egos when we're young, takes time to finally release their air and shrink them down to size.

Later still. I've always thought you can only repeat the same set of habits so many times before you need to change but had no idea you could go on as long as I've been going with the same set of habits that make up my routine. Breakfast at the same place very day? OK, it's really a time to read the papers over breakfast, you can probably do that forever, but then there's the journal, the walk over to the lake, another walk over to the lake, a ride downtown to have coffee in the City Center? Their number gets smaller, the repetition gets larger.

Not suggesting I've got anything in mind, other than I can certainly see what's happening. Taking the pictures is fine, although adding some new vistas/territories/places would increase the interest, stimulate the brain. So we're puttering around here doing little to nothing, sitting here and writing (over and over) the same series of events with a few hups! in between for emphasis.

And guitar.

And guitar. Three years of playing at a time in my life when I don't listen to music anymore. Well, now and again, but compared to my teenage years through my late forties I'd say none. Nada. Not everyone does that, from my experience, gives up on something that filled such a space in their early years to let it go later.

Hi, ho. You might just as well add reading and watching movies to the list.

And around we go.

Evening. Nothing at six, there is the second half of Kennedy's Brain, the German mother who's traveled to Africa looking for the killer of her son (and ex-husband) program at nine, not sure I want to stay up late for it after last night. Something in between? One or two programs, both of which make you pay for watching. Some sake would take care of that had I picked any up earlier at the supermarket.

The photo up top was taken at the Fruitvale Dia de los Muertos Festival with a Nikon D4 mounted with a 70-200mm f/2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.