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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


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October 7, 2012

To Oakland Tomorrow
Sunday. To bed, again having worked well into the evening on the photographs, up this morning after nine to take a bath and then go down to breakfast with my sister, cousin Vickie and her brother cousin Steve, both of whom flew in at various ungodly times yesterday. Quite a few members of the extended family are now present.

So what to do before the wedding begins at four this afternoon? I'm not feeling ambitious, but I'm finally feeling ready for the day (now that it's noon), so I think I'll sit here and turn out some more of the photographs. So far the feedback has been positive on the ones I've posted to Facebook, which is nice, but I'm liking them too. Doodle-dee-do.

Later. We walked to Castle Green, a classic rambling old hotel built in the twenties and attended a wonderfully done and really fun wedding. This is my cousin's son, who proposed to his bride on the Jay Leno show, and the wedding had an almost fairy tale pixie dust aspect throughout. The bride, in fact, has indeed performed at Disneyland as Snow White, although the wedding entourage did not include the Seven Dwarfs. “One day my prince will come....” My, my, I'm becoming positively saccharine.

Snap out of it.


Back to the hotel afterward late to then work on the pictures and prepare to head back to Oakland tomorrow.

The photo up top was taken at the ComedySportz wedding dinner with a Nikon D4 mounted with an 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.