Before Ten
Friday. To bed by ten to awaken but once before getting up this morning at six. Just before six, when it was still too dark once I was ready to walk to breakfast and so driving instead, thinking I'd still have the time to read all the papers and eat before it was eight and the parking meters kicked in. Which I did. Finish before eight. Well, five minutes after eight (to be precise).
Some minor dark thoughts about yesterday's entry - banality, mindless babble, the usual stuff - before posting and thinking it's best there's a street fair coming up this weekend, as I need the photographs. It's Friday, it's sunny outside and I'm feeling pretty good. Felt pretty good last night after a problematic afternoon and so maybe we're due for a completely clear day today. Saying this just after nine. We'll know by ten. Or eleven.
Later. Not a thought to stick my nose out the door and, now that it's three in the afternoon, I suspect that's it for the day. Puttered around with the new WiFi device, we'll see if it makes a difference later tonight. Otherwise surfed the web with the occasional trip to bed and a nap. Not able to get to sleep, clear headed, but tired. Oh, and I did take a bath, we do occasionally bathe.
At least your hair is clean.
Clear headed, clean headed, what more could a man ask?
Later still. Spent quite a bit of time on two new sections of apartment house construction site photographs, getting one done and getting well into the second. So we'll finish them up tomorrow. Been some time since I've posted to the apartment house sites, long enough even I was beginning to wonder. Still two months behind.
Evening. Watched a New Tricks I haven't seen before. I don't think. (Maybe it's an old enough episode I've managed to totally forget I've seen it in the past, although a little voice expresses doubt.)
Followed by a two part Dalziel & Pasco. If and when I do watch this one, since I usually bail on this series for lack of sympathy for the Dalziel character, it almost always turns out to be one I haven't seen before. As was this evening's. We'll leave it at that. I watched the thing and then got to bed before ten.