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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


October 1, 2018


Monday. Lights out fairly early to awaken twice during the night and then finally awaken for good at five forty-five. I'm assuming I got as much sleep as I needed. Seems so anyway. Out the door to walk on an overcast morning to breakfast, the weather people saying some chance of a light rain, more to the north than right here in Oakland. Didn't look like there was any chance of rain, but it's still overcast now at ten-thirty, so we'll see.

Had the corned beef, scrambled eggs, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee for breakfast, the papers still centered on the Kavanaugh mess and so finished up by eight-thirty and headed on back to the apartment, the sidewalks relatively clear, not many cars parked along Grand. Still only a few flowers blooming below the school. I wonder if there's enough insects around to pollinate them?

Nothing on the schedule, the first day of the month, other than the rent is due. I had some reaction on Facebook about not heading out to photograph the Folsom Street Fair yesterday and so I've decided to get in a daily walk for as long as I can. Today? This week? This month? I'm a complete wuss if I can't try it for a month, see if it does anything to help clear the head. It isn't so much strength that leads to what I call tiredness, but the aching sinuses and fuzzy head.

Later. A walk to the construction site just up my street to take a picture, thinking there might be some visible progress after passing by workers setting up scaffolding on the Grand Avenue side of the building. Lots of blue tarps, but that was about it.

Returned to the apartment to change cameras and then out the door at one-thirty to catch a bus downtown to the City Center where I had a chicken Caesar salad with coffee out at a table at the bagel shop, the sun intermittently peeking through, thinking I'd walk as much of the way back to the apartment as I could. And so I did, getting to Webster at Grand and sitting for close to ten minutes waiting on the bus.

Not feeling all that good, but the head had become clearer once I was outside. Caught the bus at Webster but got off at the stop near the 7-11 look-alike to walk to the lake and the bird sanctuary area to see what I could find to photograph.

Found a man shouting and swearing as he was walking down the street toward me and so headed to the shore and then along the lake home. Still, got in at least some walking, but it showed me I have more than a way to go. One day down, though.

Evening. Spent time watching a two part British thing on the tablet, check out the Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries at seven, gave up and so went back to bed. Didn't turn the lights out until after the ten o'clock six minute NPR news on the radio, though. I'd taken the blood pressure med a little late at nine forty-five after getting a reading of 160/91. Not a reading you want to see, early or late, day or night.

Walking home from breakfast this morning taken with a Nikon 1 V1 camera mounted with a 30-110mm f 3.8-16.0 Nikon 1 Nikkor lens.