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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


October 15, 2018


Monday. Lights out by ten to awaken just after six, listening then to Democracy Now! as I got ready to walk to breakfast at six forty-five (or so), the sky clear, but cool, and so wore the light winter coat to arrive by seven.

Ordered the two strips of bacon, scrambled eggs, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee for breakfast and read the papers, finishing up well before nine. A picture of one of the scarier looking homeless men in the area taken through the open restaurant patio door as I was finishing. How many people are out on the street in his apparent condition?

Ran right into a young woman who'd stopped me two weeks ago after seeing I was carrying a camera and asked me some advice on buying onr, where she should look, what she should look for and I'd made recommendations, thinking afterward what could I really tell someone who was just starting out: where to look, what to look for? I know something about photography in my particular area, but that doesn't apply to but a few. She stopped this morning to mention she had indeed ordered a camera, a used one, with a 50mm lens and was looking forward to receiving it. I wish her well.

The usual walk home taking the usual pictures including one of a old man who rides around the area on a gold painted bike pulling a string of attached carts on wheels under what was by now a bright sun. Home to finish yesterday's entry, post it and then lie down for a while. Tired. The usual brand of tired probably telling me how this day will go.

Evening. Tired through the afternoon and so watched a movie on the tablet and listened to the usual news programs until evening, the head seemingly feeling better, clearer anyway, and so to bed with lights out after nine.

I did read more of Murakami's Killing the Commendatore, but not enough to take any credit. Still reading well, but so far I tend to reach for the tablet when I lie down and not the hard back. Do today's kids do the same? All new introductions of new technology generate stories of doom and gloom, but are they? Reading less? I suspect that might actually matter.

So they've caught you with this one? YouTube replacing reading?

Right now I'm wondering about me and thee.

The photo up top was taken at the 2015 Fruitvale Dia de los Muertos Street Festival with a Nikon D4s mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.