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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


October 14, 2018


Sunday. I did get to sleep early and I did awaken (or half awaken) for about an hour after midnight, but that's to be expected. Seem to feel pretty good after what still seems to have been a decent night's sleep, at least in length, awakening just after six to get up and drive to breakfast on an overcast morning, arriving a minute after the restaurant workers had arrived. So good. A good start. Let's say.

The plain waffle with sliced bananas and strawberries with coffee for breakfast because that's what appealed over the Sunday papers, taking until just after nine to finish and drive back to the apartment after but a fleeting thought to go by the supermarket. I evidently don't like to go by the supermarket after breakfast unless I'm out of something absolutely necessary and not available through Amazon. It's a new world. Go figure.

Home, some sunlight poking through the curtains now that it approaches eleven, we'll see if we can take some pictures I'm happy with later. But then I say that or think that pretty much every day, I'm afraid, maybe just shut up.

Later. There's a Grateful Day Fest scheduled to start at noon and so I packed a camera and walked down to the bus stop, discussing with myself as to whether or not I really wanted to go: catch this bus to 20th and Broadway and then another bus to Telegraph where the festival is being held? Turns out I didn't and so turned around before the bus arrived and walked back to the apartment. So much for any Sunday ventures. Or pictures.

Evening. Watched two Elementary episodes I've seen before, but only remembered parts of them, finishing at seven. Nothing on television at seven. Or eight. Or later. Best not to go to bed too early. He said.

The photo up top was taken at the 2016 Fruitvale Dia de los Muertos Street Festival with a Nikon D4s mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.