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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


September 2, 2019


Monday. Awoke at a quarter to six, not bad. Up to take the blood pressure - 114/77 - and get ready to drive to breakfast under clear skies, arriving at ten minutes to seven to find the restaurant dark, this time, the kitchen worker arriving five minutes later to let me in to turn on the lights and settle in with the papers. OK, so far, so good.

The French toast with sliced bananas and strawberries, fruit cup and coffee for breakfast, finishing up early this time at eight-fifteen. OK. On to the car, taking a picture of a sign that instructed you to take its picture, which I did, driving straight home to take the selfie and settle in at the computer, the blood pressure 110/66. We're working on the fourth day since we quite taking the blood pressure med and it's been coming in under 120/80 fairly consistently. I wonder what happened? Yes, it's been flaky now over these last few years, but no med whatsoever?

Don't jinx it with all this babble. Say thank you kindly, blink, and move right along.


Later. Not as warm today. Good. Up into the seventies, but not the eighties. Double good. Finally headed out the door and over to the lake after vegetating here inside well into the afternoon with an hour's nap. At least twice the number of people this afternoon around the lake than the first two days of the weekend and so some few pictures and a video of the SoulBeatz drummers, the first video I've shot with any of the cameras. Now I have to do another that's in focus and properly exposed, not to mention learning how to display it here.

That's really the first one you've shot with any of the cameras?

It is. Some people buy these cameras using them for video only as the quality is quite high, but I've for some reason refused to give it a try.

Probably because you'd have to read the manual to figure out how.

Now, now.

Evening. Another night heading to bed around eight, the temperature cool enough to skip using the fan and sleeping under the covers. Nice. Lights out by nine, listened to the BBC News until nine-thirty and took one last blood pressure reading: 129/73. Hmm. That's the highest it's been over twenty readings taken these last four days. Still good, of course, but we'll obviously continue the readings.

The photo up top was taken at the 2016 Oakland Chinatown StreetFest with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.