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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


September 24, 2021


Friday. To sleep soon enough to then awaken at five-thirty, take the blood pressure (117/72, 111/76, 116/72), listen to Democracy Now! and then set out walking to breakfast under another clear sky cooler morning, arriving a little early to turn on the lights in the indoor dining area and settle in at my usual table with the papers.

The two strips of bacon, scrambled eggs, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee, again, the weight a couple of pounds under the target on the scale this morning, finishing after nine to walk back home taking pictures and dragging a bit. Tired? Muscles aching? Fuzzy headed?

Home to take the selfie in the lobby and take the blood pressure again: 88/64, 100/63, 89/62. “Dragging a bit” after seeing those was an understatement.

Later. No baseball game available today in my Prime account and so made do with watching this and that on the tablet along with the various news programs I watch (half watch/half listen to) on television and the radio. Another standard afternoon, in other words.

Took the blood pressure at two-thirty and it was back up (133/72, 131/64, 129/75) and so took a dose of the blood pressure med. No matter when on the meds, the pressure seems to occasionally radically drop in the mornings and go up too high in the late afternoons, early evenings. We will relay this to the cardiologist Monday morning, something I've said I'm going to now for weeks. But we will. I will.

Evening. Watched the beginning of Inspector Morse at eight, bailed after thirty minutes and went to bed, lights out after nine, leaving the bedroom windows closed this night as they're saying the smoke has moved us into the Moderate category and it will be a Spare The Air Day tomorrow.

The photo up top was taken at the 2015 Oakland Half Marathon with a Nikon D4s mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.