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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


April 24, 2018


Tuesday. Well, yes: early to bed and so early again to rise, taking my time getting ready to walk to breakfast on an overcast morning to arrive two minutes before the restaurant opened. They say it's going to be ten degrees cooler for the rest of this week than it's been these last few days with the highs that approached the mid-seventies, but it seemed comfortable enough walking, the eyes with limited watering.

Had the avocado and cheese omelet, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee for breakfast over the papers, nothing much new in the news. The Times had an interesting piece on a town in England that voted overwhelmingly for Brexit, examining the reasons people voted based essentially on their now lost history as a fishing town rather than their now financial underpinnings as a fish processing center that will be hurt by Brexit. Made sense in a lot of ways of our experience here.

OK, still overcast, feeling reasonably coherent, as we usually do walking home from breakfast, taking the usual pictures. Nothing on the schedule today. I would like to attend a talk by Mark Burstein at the Cartoon Art Museum in San Francisco later at six-thirty on his Dave Sheridan book and I suspect I would if it wasn't in the evening and located some distance from the Embarcadero BART station. But we'll see, we'll see. There are such things as cabs. I'm told.

Later. A nap, at least a lie down to close the eyes (mostly) for an hour before getting up to continue processing pictures for the Cherry Blossom Parade, the pictures now done, the pages next. The pictures could be better, but there are one or two I rather like. As always.

Evening. Finished the Cherry Blossom section to discover my FTP program isn't set up to send it to artandlife and I'm going to have to talk with my ISP to resolve it tomorrow. What's with all this computer related crap? One of the external mirrored drives started flashing as well, indicating one of the two mirrored drives was failing. What?

Watched the second half of the Doc Martin episode that had started last night and then bailed for bed. Dead computers and dumb television programs. It would be funny if I weren't the common denominator in looking to track down the guilty party.

At the forming up of the Cherry Blossom Parade Sunday afternoon in front of the San Francisco City Hall taken with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.