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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


January 1, 2019


Tuesday. I did get to sleep well before ten and I do vaguely remember awakening to some reports in the distance that were probably fireworks going off at midnight, but then slept straight through until seven. Just like that. The restaurant was opening an hour later than usual this morning and so took my time before setting out at a quarter to eight to walk under clear skies and watering eyes to breakfast, the restaurant open. Good.

The Eggs Benedict, country potatoes, fruit cup and coffee for breakfast because that's what sounded good. Might as well start off a New Year with good as you never know how many if any you may have left to enjoy.

You really think about years left all that much?

Now and again, but never over breakfast. We're just, you know, inventing it all as we go along.

A walk home under a bright sun. The air was warm enough, but the eyes decided to water and the nose run on the way home, not sure why. A little wobbly on the feet, but no more so than usual, the head clear once we got home, the New Year's Day ahead.

Later. Another nap for maybe an hour. Tired. Not yesterday's tired, thankfully, but it's led to a slow afternoon futzing with a couple more of yesterday's pictures (I should have dialed down the exposure a stop or so for the egret), listening to the news and not much else. Still, as said, better than yesterday. Onward.

Evening. More episodes of Beck, the Swedish detective series. They seem to have made a bunch of them, as the mix of main characters has changed over time. They're uneven, but better than many of the American series they show on television, what's received over the air and not through cable that I'm able to receive anyway.

You're not familiar with enough of the cable stuff to make a statement.

Anyway, watching Beck at the moment, will get to bed at nine, lights out soon after. We'll see if we can get more sleep tonight, this tiredness crap in the middle of the day sucks.

The photo up top was taken while walking home from breakfast this New Year's Day morning with a Nikon 1 V3 camera mounted with a 30-110mm Nikon 1 Nikkor 3.8-5.6 lens.