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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


January 23, 2021


Saturday Awoke just after six to listen to the news before heading out walking to breakfast at seven-thirty, the sky clear, the temperature cold without being too cold. They're saying the highs will be into the mid-fifties today. Arrived to enter the dining area as usual, turn on the lights and settle in with the papers.

The two strips of bacon, scrambled eggs, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee for no particular reason, the weight holding in the mornings, but just under one fifty-five. Finished up again before nine and set out for home thinking should I have used the restaurant bathroom before leaving as the intestines were aching as if they were moving things around. Were they going to move things out before I got back to the apartment? Worrisome, but headed straight home and ran to the bathroom just in time. I'm going to weigh a lot less than close to one fifty-five on the scale tomorrow unless I eat an elephant this afternoon.

Took the selfie in the lobby before I got on the elevator, did the bathroom and then settled in at the computer to go through the morning finish/post/start the new journal entry routine.

Later. Not enough hours of sleep last night and so an hour dozing off on the bed. Bright sun outside, but still relatively cold in here and so bundled up with sweater and the goose down jacket.

Received an Economic Impact Card in the mail today. The first payment that was sent out back when came in the form of a check which I deposited through my bank's ATM, but this thing is issued by a Bank of America owned sub-company and transferring the balance to my own bank account seems to require an in-bank visit to a teller. You can use it at various ATM's in the area, but the few that don't take a transaction fee for withdrawals aren't conveniently located nearby. What the hell, free money that isn't quite painless is still free, but I'll check with the bank to see if there's a better way to handle this.

Evening. Watched the first five minutes of The Apartment at eight. I've seen it before and decided I didn't need to see it again. To bed to turn the lights out before ten this time, we'll see how this night's sleep turns out tomorrow.

The photo up top was taken at the 2016 Oakland Chinatown StreetFest with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.