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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


January 26, 2021


Tuesday To sleep pretty much right away to then awaken at six-thirty, later than usual and I assume for the good. The sky clear and cold, I could feel it still covered up in bed and so thought long and hard about driving to breakfast. We're due for an atmospheric river of rain starting around ten, at least that's what the forecast was last night, and so rationalizing driving over walking wasn't that hard. It was only at the last minute heading down the stairs that I turned left instead of right and headed out the apartment house door to walk on a really cold (for the Bay Area) morning to arrive at the restaurant and sit down at the usual table out on the patio this time, the heater up above my area not working. OK, we can do this and so spread the papers out on the table and began reading.

The plain waffle with sliced bananas and strawberries, fruit cup and coffee for breakfast, we're still a bit worried about the weight, although it was fine on the scale this morning, finishing up early as the cold finally got to me and I headed home under a bright, but still cold sun. Didn't pass many people on the sidewalk and arrived feeling OK except for the cold temperature and the now runny nose. Took the selfie and then settled in at the computer to start on all this. Said the hell with the electric bill and turned on the living room heat without a thought, there's a certain temperature below which you don't flinch at spending the extra bucks.

Later. Watched episodes of two separate series on the tablet, one that releases new episodes on Tuesdays and in starting it I realized I had no idea what had gone before until I was well into it and the various characters as they were introduced jogged the memory. Similarly with the second series, a subtitled Polish thing where the names were hard to follow and the story line seemed quite disjointed. Still, I'd watched the episode before this one only yesterday and again, even though I'd been having trouble following the story line, who was doing what with however many whoms, it was still just a bit upsetting to not have a clue. I'm still blaming this on normal memory losses due to age, but I guess you never really know. Until you know.

Evening. The wind and rain have arrived. All the news programs are saying we're starting a fairly hairy series of atmospheric river storms. Be interesting to see what the world looks like tomorrow. Water in the streets on the way to breakfast? Been a while, but it's happened in the past. Lights out by ten, the wind howling and the rain beating on the windows for company tonight.

The photo up top was taken at the 2016 Oakland Chinatown StreetFest with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.