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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


July 31, 2018


Tuesday. Lights out at nine-thirty and then awakening at a quarter to six. Seems about right: lights out early and so awakening early by about the same amount of time. Up to head out to breakfast on another overcast and cool morning, they're saying more of this coming down the pike. Finally managed a picture of the Grand Lake theater marquee this time. Agent Orange. Probably not very many theater marquees like this one out there in the land.

Arrived just before seven, the restaurant open, ordered the two strips of bacon breakfast again, more for lack of imagination than anything more sensible, read the papers and finished by a quarter to eight to walk home taking the usual pictures, but with decent interest. We're in our rut, but happy enough in our rut for good or ill. The usual small group of Lime scooters by the lake, but then, for the first time, stumbled upon another brand the name of which I couldn't quite decipher. Probably not good to come up with a name design that's hard to read.

You might have just, you know, moved the scooter to get a better look, if not a picture.

When I was younger.

Not sure what the day holds, still overcast at ten, but then we'll know soon enough.

Later. I've been processing the Art & Soul pictures one or two at at time, more avoiding them than doing them. Not sure why. Happens now and again. Maybe because I really don't have enough for a decent web section? It's mid-afternoon and I'm thinking pictures or posting, bitching or moaning, we've run out of gas.

The San Francisco Anime & Cosplay Festival taken with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.