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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


July 16, 2019


Tuesday. Awoke briefly at five, blinked and awoke again with the alarm at a quarter past six. OK, out the door in good order to walk to breakfast on an overcast morning, the temperature good, arriving to find the restaurant open and so settled in with but two papers, the Chronicle not arriving this morning. I need to check the dates I entered yesterday to stop delivery when I'll be out of town. An error on my part? I doubt it.

The avocado omelet, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee for breakfast, finishing up by eight-thirty to walk home with a different wider angle lens I'd put on the camera yesterday, thinking we'll take pictures this morning with a different perspective. Well, having been too lazy to change it back.

The photographs seemed a bit sharper, the usual flowers, another under the 580 Overpass, the ladies in white sails approaching the lake and a shot of the bikini runner as she receded into the distance.

By the construction below my apartment, the selfie in the lobby and then home to finish yesterday's entry and post. Turned out I'm not able to review the vacation stop I'd placed on the Chronicle web site, so we'll see if it shows up tomorrow.

Later. Got a bunch of stuff done in between the usual news programs and on and off watching of stuff on the tablet. Tomorrow we'll pack, but today got the laptop updated (took a couple of hours), even though I'm thinking now of leaving it behind. It's too old, runs Windows 7 and I can access my various accounts on my sister's computer in Portland. But gain, got lots of stuff done some of it in preparation for tomorrow's trip to Portland.

Evening. Spent the early evening watching a movie on the tablet, lights out again by nine-thirty, to sleep whenever it happens.

The photo up top was taken at the 2017 San Francisco LGBT Gay Pride Parade with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.