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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


July 2, 2020


Thursday. To bed and lights out last night around ten, but then for whatever reason had a miserable time getting to sleep, seeming to glance at the clock hour after hour after hour. Or was that just a very light sleep, not as bad as you're fearing? Anyway, some trepidation when I awakened at five-thirty and then again at six to finally get up and get ready to walk to breakfast after seven, walking by the discarded furniture I'd first noticed on the last day of June at the bottom of my hill and so taking a picture, to arrive at ten minutes to seven as I usually do feeling just fine, not tired, the mood good. Settled into the closed off dining area after turning on the lights and began reading the papers.

You do tend to get tangled up in these run on forever sentences.

A sure sign of this “fuzzy headed” business.

The avocado and mushroom omelet, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee, finishing up not long after nine to do the usual trip back home under overcast skies. They're saying up into the low seventies later when the clouds open up and so it looks like a good day ahead. Took the usual series of pictures, more than usual for a walk back home. No sign of any rental scooters, but one or two people on bicycles and well over half of the people I passed were wearing masks. Which is good.

Up to process the pictures, more than I've taken in a while, feeling just fine. Not tired after walking home, which is good as the walk is no big deal, a matter of twelve minutes to cover one-quarter of a mile. Finished up by noon, the sky clear, the day ahead. Now to call the smog-check people to see when's the best time to bring in the car.

Later. A decent afternoon, reasonably coherent, not “tired” and so more time watching stuff on the tablet and pretending to listen to the news.

Evening. The microphone I ordered arrived today and so hooked it up to the computer. I now have what I need to do a Zoom or other interactive session. I'll test it with my sister tomorrow.

Watched all of five minutes of Vera, realized I'd seen it before and didn't want to see it again, even though I had no idea how it played out, who'd done what to whom and so to bed and more on the tablet. I'm thinking “more on the tablet” doesn't sound all that healthy month in and month out.

The photo up top was taken at the 2016 San Francisco Carnaval Parade with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.