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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


July 11, 2021


Sunday. To sleep soon enough (I seem to recall) to awaken after five to listen half sleep until six and listen to CounterSpin followed by TUC Radio, getting up at the usual time to drive to breakfast under overcast skies, the temperature cool. Arrived to sit at my table inside and started on the papers.

The two strips of bacon (they brought three), scrambled eggs, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee, finishing up finally after nine to walk to the car snapping a picture or two before driving straight home to take the selfie in the lobby, settling down at the computer and going through my usual edit/post/do the pictures routine, finishing up writing this at eleven.

Later. The overcast was gone by noon, but a high of sixty-nine degrees at three here along the bay while it's a hundred degrees in Sacramento. Let me tell you, no complaints. Watched the John Deere PGA tournament, no desire for a nap, no desire to go outside.

I'm due to go to Sausalito tomorrow night to have dinner with a friend since the early sixties when we first started corresponding, he the editor of an off campus humor magazine in Florida when I was doing mine in Seattle. Looking forward to it, of course, although it will get me farther out of the house than I've been in what is now years. Cross our fingers. We're talking a bus to BART and then a ferry to Sausalito to get there and back, we are.

Evening. Watched the first half hour of Mrs. Wilson On Masterpiece on PBS at eight but for some reason bailed and went to bed, turning the lights out after nine and getting to sleep whenever fate decides.

The photo up top was taken at the 2016 San Francisco LGBTQ Pride Parade with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.